About Run Direction...
The run direction is used to help generate a birds eye view of your project. When you print out your project we will also provide you with a birds eye view of what your project will look like.
North to South
The north to south direction would be in relation to your previous ending run. If your run will be turning to the south, it would be traveling from North to South.
South to North
The south to north direction would be in relation to your previous ending run. If your run will be turning to the north, it would be traveling from South to North.
East to West
The east to west direction would be in relation to your previous ending run. If your run will be turning to the east, it would be traveling from East to West.
West to East
The west to east direction would be in relation to your previous ending run. If your run will be turning to the west, it would be traveling from West to East.